Growing up in Brooklyn, New York during the 80’s, black girl hair was a lot of cornrows, and braids with beads. All my school friends and the neighborhood girls wore them.
My own daughter rocks her hair in braids often because I can be creative, and it’s a versatile hairstyle for daily school activities as well as extracurricular activities including cheerleading, dance, swimming and running.
I remember many Saturdays sitting between my mother's legs as she parted my hair with that big black Goody comb and made shiny tracks with Ultra Sheen hair grease. I felt that I was tender headed, though my mother contested that I was not as she pulled my hair making my eyes slant into my temples.
Due to my constant squirming this braiding ritual eventually shifted to the gifted hands of my older sister who braided beautifully. Though the pulling and yanking continued at least there were no longer comminations of being popped in the head with said comb from my mother. Someone knows exactly what I'm talking about. Ironically, my daughter only feels pain when I braid her hair, but the jarring twists of her grandmother's (my mother) fingers seem to be okay.

This tradition continues to this day in many households around the globe and when I started making dolls, the hair was an important aspect that I had to capture.
The crochet dolls I make that match what we look like from our skin to our hair be it cornrows with beads, box braids or textured coils.
I'm keeping the tradition going through the toys our babies play with because that's what they look like and that's who they are.
Have your very own crochet doll created in your likeness. Visit Five Stones Boutique for details getting a Two Copper Pennies Crochet Doll.
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